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Epic Spell Wars 4 - Panic at the Pleasure Palace (stand alone or expansion)

CZE 27275
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Product description

You checked your morals at the door and settled in for a night of debauchery, but your fellow Wizards' lust has turned to bloodlust! Just be careful with all the Magically Transmitted Diseases (MTDs) going around. Crotch Krakens, Genital Harpies, and our longtime friend...Gorgonorrhea. Fireballs aren't the only thing that will cause a burning sensation. MTDs also give you Glyphs, so your Spells are going to be as juiced up as your nether regions.

For our more discerning customers, you might want to gain control of the Standee, because when you have it, it protects you from all MTDs that might come slinging your way. That's right! The Standee once again does something, instead of doing nothing.

Warning: Contains awesome mature content and profanity.

30 Source Cards
30 Quality Cards
30 Delivery Cards
8 Wild Magic Cards
20 MTD Tokens
8 Oversized Wizard Cards
25 Treasure Cards
25 Dead Wizard Cards
15 Kill Tokens
7 Last Wizard Standing Tokens
6 Skull Life Counters
5 Six-sided Dice
1 Gross Sack